Coaching As A Craft

Coaching As A Craft

My lovely husband phoned to say there was something on BBC Radio 4 “about the body and coaching” (bless him, he knows those words are synonymous with ‘Clare’). I tuned in. I heard Patsy Rodenberg talking about her craft and for the first time considered that I could...
Making More Space

Making More Space

It’s very easy to say “take a step back,” “see the bigger picture,” “make more space,” “just detach” and, in my experience, much harder to do in practice. As I was working with someone today, I was taken by surprise when a fresh way to do this presented itself, so I...
A different kind of midwife

A different kind of midwife

I’m pretty sure if I reference the subject of death in the title or first few lines here, the majority of readers will – understandably – cast aside in favour of something more palatable. I admit, this would have been my reaction until some months ago. But...
Allowing Space

Allowing Space

My revered teacher Dr. Richard Strozzi-Heckler speaks of “what wants to come to form” and my favourite philosopher Dr. Eugene Gendlin talks about the felt sense allowing something new to form when given the attention it needs. The acclaimed dancer Isadora Duncan...
About Change

About Change

It’s hard to be honest about change, but I’m pretty sure if we could be honest, it would go something like this: I want things to change, but I don’t want to tolerate how change feels, or actually change anything (because familiarity is reassuring) I just want to be...
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