The Wonder of a Child

The Wonder of a Child

A small child dressed in multi-coloured anorak and blue trousers grasps his Mum’s hand as he walks along the very edge of the path, the raised brick edge providing a perfect balance bar. He’s happy. He chatters away, noticing birds, leaves, twigs and interesting...
Word of the Year

Word of the Year

I’ve never liked New Year’s Resolutions. Starting out the year with an almost guaranteed disappointment doesn’t make much sense to me. Instead I resonate with the idea of Word of the Year. I’ve enjoyed planning one each year for over a decade now and have one in mind...
Themes for 2024

Themes for 2024

As the year draws to a close I’ve decided to summarise the key themes from my blogs this year. 1. Embracing the Pause and Making Space Several excerpts highlight the importance of pausing and creating space for introspection and personal growth. This pause allows for...
Unexpected Endings

Unexpected Endings

Through the gates, past the scaffolding, anticipating at every step my favourite cafe and the pleasure of meeting a friend. No lights though and on the door a pitiful sign expressing regret about its closure. I know in the scheme of things, perhaps especially at this...
A different kind of pharmacy

A different kind of pharmacy

Recalling my teacher Richard Strozzi-Heckler’s sentiment from my somatic coach training, he said something like poetry is balm for the senses, although I haven’t got that quite right. He usually started and ended our sessions with a poem, and this is really when...
Speaking Virtues

Speaking Virtues

I’ve been to three funerals in as many months. Every time I am struck by how little I knew about someone until hearing their eulogy – it’s less about the dramatic and more about the everyday things like being the most amazing grandparent, or enduring endless...
Setting off as we mean to go on…

Setting off as we mean to go on…

New clients are often surprised at my request to meet weekly for the first four or five coaching sessions. Some traditional coaches start this way but will more likely, see their clients once a month or even once a quarter. Somatic coaching is different, we are paying...
Being a Wayfarer

Being a Wayfarer

Caminante no hay Camino Caminante, son tus huellas el camino y nada más; Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace el camino, y al volver la vista atrás se ve la senda que nunca se ha de volver a pisar. Caminante no hay camino sino estelas en...
Time to Pause

Time to Pause

Sometimes I wonder if my clients get sick of me saying “let’s pause, let’s take a breath” because I know I say it a lot. A Lot. Neuroscientists can tell us all about the benefit of settling the autonomic nervous system, calming the arousal in the sympathetic to the...
Finding your practice

Finding your practice

“Oh” she said, “you’re the Clare who wrote that book!” Yep, that’s my heart-and-soul served up between the covers. It’s always a weird moment when relative strangers suddenly “know” so much about me, someone who’s generally introvert and definitely doesn’t blow their...
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