F l o a t i n g. Weightless, warm, quiet, soothed, calming.
Inviting? Especially at the end of a long day, gruelling week, or perhaps middle of the day to boost creativity? I need no excuse to head to Vauxhall’s tube station and the few steps to Floatworks for an hour of equanimity. I love floating.
Literally. We’re talking literally floating. In stillness and quiet, in an almost womb-like pod. I haven’t been to the Dead Sea, but am told the floating experience is similar. Only better. For the pods provide a break from the distraction of the world – complete silence, no light interference, simply a safe, warm space to clear the mind, relax, drift, visualise, meditate….whatever you prefer. As an HSP it’s an amazing break from the onslaught of everyday life – a complete pause, no demands, simply me-time.
I use the experience to both decompress and juice the imagination. Some of my most creative ideas have been birthed there. (Probably no coincidence – for those who’ve had any experience with therapeutic rebirthing, the similarity will be apparent). And like many HSP’s I love the water (although prefer the kind where I’m not going to get my face wet – – I know, I know, long story). The joy of being safely suspended yet supported is healing. Having said that, no two floats have been the same in my experience. I may go with an intention, yet my body may have something else in store. Regardless, floating is part of my self-care routine, perhaps it’s due to become part of yours. (Remember the oxygen mask – unless yours goes on first, you won’t be available to assist anyone else).
If you’re curious to know more, take a look at Floatworks website where you’ll find a wealth of information. A web search suggests there are now over thirty providers in the UK – for more information check out a recent BBC article, exploring the experience in some depth together with a fellow HSP’s blog post.