The Embodiment of Recovery

The Embodiment of Recovery

In a couple of weeks time I am celebrating thirty-five years’ sobriety. For the uninitiated that means twelve thousand seven hundred and seventy-five continuous days without alcohol. Of any kind. That’s what surprises most people. “Not even a sip?” Nope. No sherry...

The Snake Story

Terry Gorski tells one of my favourite stories. Heard many years ago when I first started working with people in recovery, it goes something like this. “One day, walking in a frozen wintry forest, I almost trip on something. When I look down I see a snake,...

Moving from “I” to “We”

If you read my last blog post you’ll know I’m in some turmoil. It’s as if the rug has been pulled out from underneath my feet. My belief system around addiction is being challenged. Today I read something settling and reassuring. William L. White* is...

Challenging assumptions

Johann Hari’s book Chasing the Scream came highly recommended and I’m working my way through, skipping or skimming the overwhelmingly triggering parts (at least, when I can catch them in time). It’s an enormously thought provoking read. As...

Harm Reduction or Abstinence?

Back when I was training in the challenging arena of addiction in Los Angeles in the eighties, with pretty much every chemical known to man available if you knew where to go, and an abundance of cocaine, marijuana and alcohol on virtually every street corner, the...
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