Adversity Advantage

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it’s going to launch you into something great.So just focus, and keep aiming.” Someone facing life-changing adversity recently shared this with me....

AA Anxiety

This morning I baulked at the door of an AA meeting. As I hurried home through the early dawn light I thought to myself “If I can baulk at the door with a few weeks short of twenty-five years of sobriety under my belt, how must it be for the newcomer? Or the...

Bearing the Family Burden

Reading Angela’s piece on The Burden of Being the Feeling Bearer had me pause. For a while now, I’d forgotten this was my role growing up. I’d forgotten – conveniently – what a toll this took. But the reminder has been most timely. Only a week ago I was...

Truly Inspired

I’m working with someone recovering from a catastrophic medical emergency, veering between the dark days of discouragement and the lighter ones where a glimmer of hope shines through. Looking for inspiration for this person, I found this TED talk by Janine...

The Price of Shame

Moved to tears by Monica Lewinsky’s TED talk “The Price of Shame” I offer a link below. What a brave and courageous woman. Several things really stood out for me – she referred to a time before the media furore surrounding her youthful choices,...
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