by Clare Myatt | Sep 3, 2015 | Blog
Do you more easily relate to having had an adverse childhood experience than childhood trauma? For some, this descriptor will be a portal to exploring the consequence of such experiences, and if your curiousity is piqued, I highly recommend this...
by Clare Myatt | Aug 1, 2015 | Blog
Johann Hari’s book Chasing the Scream came highly recommended and I’m working my way through, skipping or skimming the overwhelmingly triggering parts (at least, when I can catch them in time). It’s an enormously thought provoking read. As...
by Clare Myatt | Aug 1, 2015 | Blog
Moved to tears by Monica Lewinsky’s TED talk “The Price of Shame” I offer a link below. What a brave and courageous woman. Several things really stood out for me – she referred to a time before the media furore surrounding her youthful choices,...
by Clare Myatt | Jan 15, 2015 | Blog
I have an introvert friend, let’s call her Ruth, who used to dread social events because she was so bad at small talk. For all her poise and confidence at work, managing a successful team, the thought of a party gave her the heeby-jeebies. Something has changed...
by Clare Myatt | Aug 29, 2014 | Blog
I am mesmerised by RSA Shorts and have particular affinity for this one based on Susan Cain’s work on the benefits of introversion. If you identify with her description, there are other resources to explore – her book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts...