Understanding teenagers

Ever had a time when it seemed your teenager had turned into someone you no longer recognised? Worse still, actually resembled an alien from another planet? You are not crazy and, the good news is, neither is your teenager. Neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, famous...


I have great admiration for Esther Perel. A relationship therapist who doesn’t pull punches, she simply tells it like it is with confidence and poise. Her latest TED talk may catch the eye of the unfaithful but, as she says, it’s for anyone who has ever...

Bearing the Family Burden

Reading Angela’s piece on The Burden of Being the Feeling Bearer had me pause. For a while now, I’d forgotten this was my role growing up. I’d forgotten – conveniently – what a toll this took. But the reminder has been most timely. Only a week ago I was...

The Price of Shame

Moved to tears by Monica Lewinsky’s TED talk “The Price of Shame” I offer a link below. What a brave and courageous woman. Several things really stood out for me – she referred to a time before the media furore surrounding her youthful choices,...

Shame – friend or foe?

Like Dr. Brené Brown, I have a particular interest in shame. Perhaps because I know the terrain both personally and professionally, and perhaps because it’s one of those things we’re not supposed to talk about. I want to shine a light into any...
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